Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

MVP Summer Winds Down, Charlotte Film Anarchists Return and More on Mutantville Mondays.

Welcome back to another Mutantville Monday here at the MVP Blog. It’s an exciting time right now aboard the Mutantville Mothership as we wrap up post-production work on three long running projects G.H.O.S.T., Tales from Mutantville and Muticia’s Movie Morgue. We’re preparing to launch two of them to DVD in the coming month while putting the first episode of the...

G.H.O.S.T. is Ready for Release on Johnny Brento’s JuJu

G.H.O.S.T. is Ready for Release on Johnny Brento’s JuJu

Sep 19, 2012

There are just so many ways we can say that a project is close to being completed. At last I can officially say that G.H.O.S.T. is finally completed! Yeah, I know it took a little while longer than originally expected but contrary to popular belief, we all have day jobs! The DVD is a complete work with some extras that expand the back story for those who care...

The Evolution of Streeborama: The Long Strange History of the MVP V-log.

The Evolution of Streeborama: The Long Strange History of the MVP V-log.

Sep 6, 2012

The times they are a changing. Halloween candy and pumpkin faced monsters are adorning the aisles of the local Wally World so that means only one thing – capatilism can be a beautiful thing! That’s right Halloween is just around the corner so the next two months belong to the Darkside and that means all things MVP. There are a lot of things in...

Troma Gets Really Generous on Mutantville Mondays

Hello Mutants, Special guest host here on Mutantville Mondays this week, Johnny Brent,o coming at ya with some awesome movie news. Before I go gushing over just how cool this recent development is, I’ll just say that in general I am not a huge fan of this company or the films they churn out. However, I am a big fan of cheesy horror movies in general and...

Tyler Mane Speaks, The Carolina Challenge is a Go, and Absolute Zero is Live in LA on Mutantville Mondays.

Welcome back to another slap dash edition of Mutantville Mondays, oh faithful mutants. The Mutantville Mothership has been abuzz with encounters of the fourth kind over the past month as we’ve battened down the hatches in an effort to complete the special edition DVDs for G.H.O.S.T. and Tales from Mutantville. The final audio kinks are being worked out of...