Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Best of Streeborama.

This week on Streeborama I figured I would share a look at some of the Best of Streeborama from the past few years. As we have big plans and events coming for the Mutantville Players we are all extremely busy finalizing the Tales from Mutantville and G.H.O.S.T. DVDs as well as prepping for all the great things to come. We still have a few interviews from this...

Sid Haig Interview from Fright Night Film Fest 2012 now live on Youtube!

In the month since our return from this year’s Fright Night Film Fest/Fandom Fest, we’ve been uploading our exclusive content from the event to our Mutantville Players Youtube channel as well as the MVP Mutant Radio show. Well get ready to stop your grinnin’ and drop your linen because MVP uploaded a juicy gem to Youtube in the form of our...

Scares That Care helps families in need.

Scares That Care is a charity organization that gathers donations at conventions to help families in need. Show your support by visiting ScaresThatCare.org and helping them today. Even if you can’t make a donation – do your part by spreading the word via Facebook, twitter, youtube or even smoke signals. It doesn’t matter – just spread...

Celebrating Andy Griffith on Johnny Brento’s JuJu

This week Johnny Brento’s JuJu celebrates the life of one of North Carolina’s favored sons, the great Andy Griffith. Mr. Griffith was a well known (at least to anyone with access to a TV for the last 59 years) actor, television producer, Grammy Award-winning Southern-gospel singer, and writer. Born in Mount Airy, North Carolina June 1, 1926,...

G.H.O.S.T. Cast Q&A, Prometheus, and More on Fridays with MVP!

Last week, the Mutantville Players debuted their latest feature the supernatural thriller G.H.O.S.T. to energetic crowds at ConCarolinas 2012. In attendance were cast members Kathy Butler Sandvoss, Jack Stecher, and Greg G. as well as the gang of usual suspects from the bowls of the Mothership. The movie played to a wild crowd and everyone that made it to the...