Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Fright Night Film Fest & Fandom Fest 2012 with MVP, Sid Haig and Tyler Mane.

MVP first attended the Fright Night Film Fest in 2010 to meet Roger Corman and we have been hooked ever since. We couldn’t wait to get back to the convention this year to meet Bruce Campbell, Sid Haig, Tommy Lee Wallace and many more – not to mention the fact that we were promoting our screening of Scarecrow at Midnight and the new Tales from...

Fright Night Film Fest 2012 MVP Recap with Bruce Campbell.

What’s up MVP!?! We’re back from another exhausting and exhilarating weekend at the Fright Night Film Fest and Fandom Fest in Louisville, KY. Technically it’s not Monday any more but for purposes of this post – it’s still Monday. Every week needs a Mutantville Monday to get things started right. Hopefully you won’t mind our lack of activity over the past...

Bruce Campbell, Cory Feldman, and the Boondock Saints are counting down to the Fright Night Film Fest and more on Fridays with MVP!

Welcome back! It’s the final countdown on Fridays with MVP as the Mutantville Players do their final prep for the upcoming Fright Night Film Fest and Fandomfest in Kentucky and the release of the long awaited Tales from Mutantville DVD! Special guests at this year’s con include Bruce Campbell, Deborah Forman, Cory Feldman, Sid Haig and the Boondock...

Tara Nicole Azarian’s Sybling Rivalry to screen at Viscera Film Festival

We received a message via carrier pigeon here on the Mutantville Mothership that our little MVP-ite in training Ms. Tara-Nicole Azarian is flourishing in her filmmaking endeavors on the West Coast. You might remember Tara from her cameo in Scarecrow at Midnight or perhaps you’ve seen one of her directorial efforts such as My Name is Anna. Tara notified us...

The Slayer (1982) comes to Slasher Movie Saturday!

In honor of this weekend’s screening at Scarecrow at Midnight at the Killuride film festival at Myrtle Beach we’ve decided to feature a rare slasher gem from the golden age of slashers – the 80’s. This week it’s the little known The Slayer (1982) featuring a killer that would give Freddy Krueger a run for his money. I mention...