Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Mutantville Says Goodbye to a Faithful MVP Player

It’s my sad duty to report that MVP’s smallest player, Sugar has passed on to that great doggie cineplex in the sky. Here’s a clip of our little friend doing what she loved to do the most, shennagans to keep things light on the MVP sets. Here’s a clip with Sugar front and center doing her thing at 5:55, doggie style! She was a real...

Celebrating Andy Griffith on Johnny Brento’s JuJu

This week Johnny Brento’s JuJu celebrates the life of one of North Carolina’s favored sons, the great Andy Griffith. Mr. Griffith was a well known (at least to anyone with access to a TV for the last 59 years) actor, television producer, Grammy Award-winning Southern-gospel singer, and writer. Born in Mount Airy, North Carolina June 1, 1926,...

Tales From Mutantville DVD Creation on Johnny Brento’s JuJu!

Your Friendly Neighborhood JuJu Miester! Too busy for much of an article this week folks. Instead here’s a Johnny Brento Vlog on-the-go thanks to my iPhone! The craziness surrounding FrightNight Film Festival prep should subside by Thursday when I’ll turn my focus back to pitching in on Athena. Should make for a fun weekend.

Athena, Blak Saturn and the New Album on johnny Brento’s JuJu

Hello Mutant, It’s Wednesday and that means it’s time for another Johnny Brento’s JuJu. In these articles I’m expected to share my insights as a film maker, artist, good ole boy working in the buddy system to get things created and all around fan boy dude. To be honest, I’ve always felt a little ill at ease sermonizing you fine mutants from this pulpit. This is...

Athena, New Scripts & More on johnny Brento’s JuJu

My work required an especially early drive in this morning to catch an early release time. Passing through the quiet city, shrouded in mist and fog, I reflected on the peculiar way in which I’m only fully in gear creatively, when I’m overbooked in every sense of the word. I have so much going on right now and I realize that is absolutely the way I...

G.H.O.S.T. Screening and Hulk Sightings on Johnny Brento’s JuJu.

If I’m being honest with you, and I always try to be, I came away from the G.H.O.S.T. screening with my own lessons learned and frankly they were not all good ones. Rather than belly ache about things I cannot change, I’d prefer to talk about the good parts of the event. For the first time I can remember at any convention we had both an excellent...