The Three is a short film concept intended to raise funds for the feature length version, featuring Lori Cardille and John Amplas from George Romero’s 1985 cult classic horror film, Day of the Dead is the official website.
Directed by Scott Goldberg.
Produced by Scott Goldberg and Mark Nadolski
From the website:
In 2010, award winning filmmaker Scott Goldberg had an idea for a dark, depressing horror film with a serious tone that took place in absolute seclusion. In order to raise funds for the feature length version, Scott set out to make that dream a reality by self-funding and shooting a concept teaser to show potential investors the tone and feeling of the type of movie that he wanted to bring back to the horror genre: DARK HORROR.
“The problem with the last two decades of horror films is that a lot of them have been copying what’s been done before – the same generic formula, which is usually the catalyst for an ineffective and non-frightening horror film. We felt the need to come up with a concept that not only rejected the cliche aspect of horror films, but take it in a unique and new direction” says Goldberg.