Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Great Horror Scores with Vids and More and Canadian Ferox too!

If you’re a fan of horror then you’re more than likely a fan of the fantastic music that accompanies our favorite horror flicks.  According to legend when John Carpenter showed his final cut of Halloween without the music to his producers – everyone thought the movie was horrible.  One classic Carpenter score later – and Halloween became...

The Ghost Train comes to Scary Movie Saturdays!

This week, Scary Movie Saturdays brings you another full length horror film online – The Ghost Train!  It’s on Youtube.  It’s free.  It’s Saturday.  What are you waiting for?

George A. Romero’s Survival of the Dead Opens This Week!

That time is upon us once again, oh true believers. Where it once took decades before the master of modern horror would release another film in his epic zombie series, now over the course of the past five years – George A. Romero has released three new dead films and counting! This weekend, George A. Romero’s latest zombie opus Survival of the Dead...

Alice Cooper & Rob Zombie – Gruesome Twosome Tour

It’s after 1am on a Wednesday night. 8am meeting thirty minutes away tomorrow morning. But….It’s worth it. I just returned from seeing/listening to the Alice Cooper & Rob Zombie show in Charlotte. It was great! The Gruesome Twosome Tour 2010 Rob Zombie & Alice Cooper The wait is over! Alice Cooper & Rob Zombie will share the stage...

MVP Membership Monday!

It’s Monday and that’s means it’s time to drive up the membership on the various Mutantville websites across the universe.  Just in case you’re new to Mutantville.com – we would like to share links to our various presences across the world wide web. Keep checking the MVP Blog here at Mutantville.com for your up to the minute MVP...