Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Film Lighting Tips for Ya!

I’ve been thinking about what to focus on this week. After filming this weekend, I am thinking about lighting…so…here are some film lighting tips from various blogs and YouTube. Hope you find these useful! The SECRET Costs Of Cheap Lighting Equipment | The Indie Film …All of those make your own cheap lighting kit articles you have read...

Evil Dead 2 Dead By Dawn on Scary Movie Saturday!

Last week, we featured Army of Darkness aka Evil Dead 3 on Scary Movie Saturday – so we thought what better movie to follow that up with than the movie that came before it – Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn! (watch the full movie after the leap!) Video embedding has been disabled on Youtube so you’ll have to watch it on there.  I’ve embedded...

The Thing (2011) Reviews From the Haters and Trolls.

In the interest of being fair and balanced like Fox News here aboard the Mutantville Mothership I thought we would take a look at some more reviews for the prequel to John Carpenter’s 1982 classic The Thing.  I posted my review of The Thing (2011) here and on Youtube and have been fielding comments from across the web about the film ever since.  It is...

Stephen King’s The Mist on Scary Movie Saturday!

This week we’re featuring that modern classic from the mind of the King of Horror.  That’s right, today we’re featuring Stephen King’s The Mist on Scary Movie Saturday!  Directed by Frank Darabount (Walking Dead) from Stephen King’s story and featuring the finest collection of practical and CGI monsters this side of Nightbreed. ...

Streeborama: Streebo’s First Blog Post.

Welcome to the first edition of Streeborama here on the MVP Blog!  This week, we’re experimented with making actual personal blog posts for a change to give you all a feel for the individual voices here on the Mutantville Mothership.  I decided that I’m a bit tired of writing up articles all the time so I figured I’d just shoot a v-log and...