Scarecrow At Midnight premiered at the 12th Annual Nevermore Film Festival at the Carolina Theatre in Durham on Saturday February 19th. The neo-modern scarecrow slasher flick played to a raucus crowd that seemed to yell and jump at all the right places. The film played as part of the short film block entitled “When the Stars Begin to Fall” and was...
Scarecrow At Midnight to premiere at 12th Annual Nevermore Film Festival.
Rejoice, Mutantville Players for the time is almost upon us! Last October, MVP set out to film not one – but three new short films for the Tales From Mutantville collection. Next week, the first installment will debut at the Twelfth Annual Nevermore Film Festival. Scarecrow at Midnight will premiere on Saturday the 19th at 12pm during the short film...
George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead
As many of you know, our short film “Devil Comes Down” was shown before the early screening of George A. Romero’s newest film “Survival of the Dead” a while back. After the screening of “Survival of the Dead,” a 35mm version of “Night of the Living Dead” was shown at the Carolina Theatre in Durham. It was...
Tobe Hooper’s Lifeforce Playing At The Carolina Theatre This Friday!
Tobe Hooper’s Lifeforce is playing at the Carolina Theatre this Friday! Join the Mutantville Players as we make the trip out to see Mathilda May wreak space vampire havoc on the unsuspecting populace! Jim Carl of the Carolina Theatre sent out a reminder about the latest installment of RETROFANTASMA today: Hey everyone! RETROFANTASMA is tomorrow night,...
Streebo Reviews Halloween Tribute Film “Judith”.
MVP was on hand this past Saturday night as the Halloween tribute film “Judith” premiered in Chapel Hill. “Judith” was written by Kenny Caperton – owner of the Myers House NC – and directed by Josh Hasty – director of “A Mannequin in Static”. “Judith” expands the story of Judith Myers and her...