Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Best of Streeborama.

This week on Streeborama I figured I would share a look at some of the Best of Streeborama from the past few years. As we have big plans and events coming for the Mutantville Players we are all extremely busy finalizing the Tales from Mutantville and G.H.O.S.T. DVDs as well as prepping for all the great things to come. We still have a few interviews from this...

MVP Mutant Radio Fantastic Tales of the Unknown

Join the Mutantville Players as they welcome Chris Gervais of Strawhouse Pictures to MVP Mutant Radio to discuss their show The Fantastic Tales of the Unknown. Chris talks about their ideas behind Fantastic Tales of the Unknown as well as his influences that range from Steven Spielberg to The Twilight Zone. Geo and Streebo bring you some philosophical advice on...

MVP Mutant Radio goes to the Fright Night Film Fest to meet Bruce Campbell, Sid Haig and more

Earlier in the month, the Mutantville Players made the trip to the Fright Night Film Fest 2012 in Louisville, KY. We were able to play meet and greet with such horror luminaries as Bruce Campbell, Sid Haig, Tommy Lee Wallace, The cast of The Walking Dead, and many more! Geo and Streebo recount their tale for you in glorious living color so download it now, or...

Clive Barker’s Nightbreed Uncut & Cabal Cut Discussion on Bloodbaths & Boomsticks.

Streebo recently had the good fortune to visit our friends over at Bloodbaths and Boomsticks to discuss Clive Barker’s Nightbreed, Nightbreed Uncut, Nightbreed: The Cabal Cut and more! Streebo joins Bloodbaths & Boomsticks hosts John Small Berries and Tim Gross for an all out discussion on all things Nightbreed and we take the time to talk about...

Ch-ch-ch-changes . . . Time to make a Change with MVP.

Despite the fact that we’ve just finished promoting at the last major conventions of the year – we’re just getting started promoting MVP for 2012. We’re putting the finishing touches on the DVDs for Tales from Mutantville and G.H.O.S.T. to get them both finished and in shape to send out to reviewers. Bear with us as big changes and new...