Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Prometheus vs The Avengers vs The Amazing Spider-man vs The Dark Knight Rises on MVP Mutant Radio Summer 2012 Sci-fi & Superhero Blockbuster Extravaganza!

The Summer of 2012 has been a great time for genre fans and MVP is glad to have been a part of it! Join the Mutantville Players for a special three and a half hour episode dedicated to the big science fiction and superhero blockbuster releases of the Summer of 2012. This episode features a double dose of Thunderdome discussions as Geoff Klock author of How to...

Mutant TV on Fridays with MVP.

The name on the marquee says “Mutantville!” That means more than horror, more than science fiction, more than mere super heroes. We are mutants and that means fear us. Horror. Sci-fi. Fantasy. Jokers. Oh, my. It’s Fridays with MVP and we’re all off mixing audio, editing footage, preparing updates, or running an internet media empire....

Spider-man and the Secret Wars land on Super Movie Saturday!

In honor of the Summer of Superheroes 2012 – we’re celebrating another superhero history classic with Spider-man and the Secret Wars. This week on Super Movie Saturday, we’re sharing three episodes of the Spider-man cartoon from the Nineties that retells the events of the first major company wide crossover (technically – it’s...

The Dark Knight Rises Spoiler Discussion on latest MVP Mutant Radio

Join the Mutantville Players – Streebo and Geo – for a full on disucssion on The Dark Knight Rises! We open the show with a goofy rambling introduction where Streebo reveals a newfound love of Tenacious D and then we climb into the Thunderdome for a full on spoiler filled discussion of Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises (spoilers from...

MVP Mutant Radio Fantastic Tales of the Unknown

Join the Mutantville Players as they welcome Chris Gervais of Strawhouse Pictures to MVP Mutant Radio to discuss their show The Fantastic Tales of the Unknown. Chris talks about their ideas behind Fantastic Tales of the Unknown as well as his influences that range from Steven Spielberg to The Twilight Zone. Geo and Streebo bring you some philosophical advice on...