If you’re in need of a few extra bucks to get out to see the latest remake to grace theaters this weekend – we can’t help you out. However, if you need something to distract you for the next half hour while dunking your brain in one of the most visually engaging independent and surreal short films ever committed to celluloid then look no further. The story behind how legendary title maker(s) Saul and Elaine Bass came to adapt Bradbury’s short story Frost and Fire seems lost to time – but thankfully with the advent of the Internet – this lost gem can now be yours. You can watch the entire film on Youtube.
By Ray Bradbury, Directed by Elaine and Saul Bass.
On a distant planet, descendants of a crashed spaceship are subjected to mysterious forces that cause them to age and die in just eight days. They must also live in caves to escape the bitter cold of night and the killing heat of day. One young boy is determined to find his way back to the ship that brought them there. But how will accomplish this in the short time left to him?
A Conversation with Ray Bradbury