Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Johnny Brento’s JuJu – The Avengers Assemble

Special makeup FX illusionist Todd A. Britt reveals latest sculpt for the Metatron Files.

Firstly, my dear Mutants, there’s no video this week. I actually created one but in the excitement of a new contract I just landed which will take me back to my beloved world of Financial Institution IT, the drive holding it got left at home. Not one to disappoint I wanted to forge ahead with a quick article update. I hope that’s ok, my friends. Even Johnny Brento has to succumb to good ole “Real Life” sometimes.

Since you last heard the gleeful voice of ol J.B., I have seen The Avengers, not once but twice. What a movie. Let me say that again to convey my proper level of enthusiasm. WHAT A MOVIE!!!!! If you haven’t yet, be sure to get yourself to the cinema this week sometime to catch it on the big screen. Otherwise, any Marvel fan would really be doing themselves a disservice. The movie was great all the way around! In fact, Streebo and myself spent the bulk of this weeks MVP Mutant Radiobroadcast discussing just that topic.

The Avengers (2012)

There’s also a new “Making Metatron” Vlog update coming your way soon. I’m may double up one day this week just to maintain my “at least one MutantTV video per week” schedule.

In the meantime you can check out an alternate take of Absolute Zero (featuring yours truly and Todd A. Britt)’s performance from Muticia’s Morgue on the official AZ Youtube Channel. The footage has been quickly comped and not in way shape or fashion similar to what you’ll seen in the program. It’s just for fun so check it out if you like having your face melted with original Alt Rock!

See you next week my Mutant friends!

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