Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Happiness Reigns on Johnny Brento’s JuJu

Sometimes things are just so clear and crystal. I find myself currently at such a tranquil place.

Brent Bowers

I feel a quiet certainty of the direction I need to move in, both in artistic endeavors and in life in general. It’s quite astounding really. Almost as if scales have been removed from my proverbial eyes and I can see for the first time some snares that have caught my heels for many a year. Sometimes it can be really useful in life to step back and take stock. The ole day in and day out can really blind you to some pretty common sense situations. It makes you want to look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Why the heck did you just choose to go through that when it was so unnecessary?”

Enjoying a rewarding job, the love of a good women, children who love their dad and God’s many blessings. In a week such as this with the latest mass shooting and all the financial woes of the country, the heating up of the big political race where we’re all be forced to choose between two evils most likely.

In the grand scheme of things, the band’s next show or the latest Mutantville release or promotional event just don’t matter as all. As Friedrich Nietsche famously scribed, “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.”

Next week a more conventional post and details of my next project. Goodnight Mutantville and God Bless!

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