Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Deep Thoughts and Thankfulness on Johnny Brento’s JuJu

Sang it!

A lovely Christmas was enjoyed by all at the J.B. household. I rose about 7:50 and left the wife to sleep in as I took care of some things around the house. I managed to get my pc setup once again at home for demo recording and the occasional script writing at my desk. I got the dog penned up for the day to give the chickens a break from running for their lives (Hey, Yard birds need a holiday too.) I got the porch washed off and eventually got the rest of team Bowers up and out the door in time for lunch at my Mom & Dad’s. Lunch consisted of Turkey (delicious), Cranberry sauce, rolls, creamed corn, deviled eggs, potato salad, stuffing, bell peppers & celery and 3 kinds of cake. Once again my mom pulled off another amazing holiday spread.

Summer headed off to visit with other family. Liam hit Xbox live and Nancee and I took a nap. I roused in time to make it to the 4:20 showing of “Django: Unchained,” with my brother Kris. That film was off the chain. I’m very glad I got to see it.  I’ll leave the excessive gushing over it to my vlog to follow. I left very excited about the film.

Jumping back to Sunday for a second, I got some sad news while sitting in church. A notification popped up on my phone from one of my FB friends post. A former classmate from high school announced that his young brother and the husband of a girl who grew up a few hundred yards from me on the same road, had died in his sleep. The obvious tragedy of this really hit me hard. When peers younger than yourself start dropping, it really makes you think about your own mortality. To boot, her father, who I knew fairly well, had died way too young of the big C. That plus the Sandy Brook slayings and the recent killings of the firemen gave me a real sense that sometimes life just isn’t fair.

These feelings were followed by the realization of just how blessed I have been and continue to be. We’re all only immortal for a limited time. A quick look back at my immediate pass reveals many near misses and I believe God’s hand on my life. My Dad nearly died from an untreated ulcer and I got him to the hospital just in time for the right course of treatment to save him. They said another 24 hours untreated and he’d have died. My mother is ran over by a vehicle suffering what I can only describe as horrific injuries, only to survive and basically make a full recovery, THEN my wife accidently burns both of her feet and ankles severely in an accident. She recovered with only minor scaring.

I’d never call myself a prayer warrior or rep myself as any kind of an example Christian, but let me tell you this, my friends. I know what it’s like to be humble and I am thankful for the grace in my life.

Sorry to break heavy on you guys this week but I have to write my true feelings and after the walk in through the cold rain on a practically deserted Charlotte sidewalk this December 26th, these are the thoughts in my head.

The diet has been crap and the workouts for the past week and half have been non-existent. All that changes next week.  I’m swearing off the carbonated drinks for good and getting the focus back on the diet and exercise.

The script for Red Women progressions nicely. More on that in a future edition of Johnny Brento’s JuJu.

Happy Holidays Mutants!

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