Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Philip K. Dick with MVP’s Inspirational Quote of the Week.

“I think that, like in my writing, reality is always a soap bubble, Silly Putty thing anyway. In the universe people are in, people put their hands through the walls, and it turns out they’re living in another century entirely. … I often have the feeling — and it does show up in my books — that this is all just a stage.”...

Ray Bradbury with MVP’s Inspirational Storyteller Quote of the Week.

In honor of the passing of one of the preeminent authors of the Twentieth Century – Ray Bradbury – we are dedicating today’s “Inspirational Quote of the Week” entirely to him. We’re posting a selection of fantastic quotes that are sure to get you thinking about art, politics, and the nature of the universe. Wherever you are...

Ridley Scott with MVP’s Inspirational Filmmaking Quote of the Week.

People say I pay too much attention to the look of a movie but for God’s sake, I’m not producing a Radio 4 Play for Today, I’m making a movie that people are going to look at. ~~Ridley Scott

Jack Kirby with MVP’s Inspirational Filmmaking Quote of the Week.

If you’re going to see The Avengers this weekend you should take a minute to sing the praises of Avengers co-creator Jack Kibry. Without Kirby there would be no Iron Man, no Hulk, no Thor, no Loki, no Captain America – and no Avengers. His name will most likely appear near the beginning of the credits but he never gets the credit he deserves from...

Joss Whedon with MVP’s Inspirational Filmmaking Quote of the Week.

With Joss Whedon’s brilliant The Cabin In The Woods making the theater rounds at the moment and his directorial effort on The Avengers making noise overseas – what better time to feature a cool Joss Whedon quote than right now? Whedon comes from a family of writers and most of his works are quite brilliant. Hit the leap for your words of writing...

Joss Whedon with MVP’s Inspirational Filmmaker’s Quote of the Week.

“The two things that matter the most to me: emotional resonance and rocket launchers. Party of Five, a brilliant show, and often made me cry uncontrollably, suffered ultimately from a lack of rocket launchers.” ~~Joss Whedon