Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence Comes to Stanley Kubrick Saturday!

A.I.Artificial Intelligence (2001)

No you didn’t misread the title. It does indeed say Stanley Kubrick Saturday. Last night, Streebo made the pilgramage out to Retrofantasma at the Carolina Theatre to see Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining in 35mm.

To honor this momentous event in which Streebo experienced his first Stanley Kubrick theatrical viewing with a packed theater – we are changing Scary Movie Saturday to Stanley Kubrick Saturday for one day! Ironically – we’re going to feature a Stanley Kubrick film that he didn’t get the chance to direct. He did however produce the movie and design it before handing it over to Steven Spielberg.

Stanley Kubrick circa Eyes Wide Shut

Stanley Kubrick circa Eyes Wide Shut

Spielberg initially refused to direct the project feeling unworthy of directing a Stanley Kubrick film. After Kubrick passed in 1999, Spielberg took up the task of seeing A.I. through to completion in honor of his friend. So that leads us to today.

Streebo got to experience the glory of The Shining in 35mm last night so we’re going to celebrate with some Kubrick today. I couldn’t find any other Stanley Kubrick films posted on Youtube so A.I. it is. In true guerrilla filmmaking spirit we’ve tied it all together to honor the occasion.

Here’s to the greatest filmmaker of all time – Stanley Kubrick. This is A.I.Artificial Intelligence on Stanley Kubrick Saturday!

Watch the full movie after the leap!

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