Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Athena, Blak Saturn and the New Album on johnny Brento’s JuJu

Hello Mutant,

It’s Wednesday and that means it’s time for another Johnny Brento’s JuJu. In these articles I’m expected to share my insights as a film maker, artist, good ole boy working in the buddy system to get things created and all around fan boy dude. To be honest, I’ve always felt a little ill at ease sermonizing you fine mutants from this pulpit. This is a feeling that at least one of my Mutantville partners doesn’t have any problem with whatsoever. Everything from Streebo’s  articles, blogs and vlogs are presented as the gospel at that time, at least according to Streebo. That works great for him. I personally enjoy watching that type of a presentation myself, but can feel a bit pompous when I try to project that sort of a confidence myself. I really do wish that I had more of that “Circus Ringmaster” swagger. I just don’t.

I prefer to offer only my personal insights as it pertains to whatever subject I manage to broach here on the weekly JuJu. I admit that my angle might not be as entertaining. At least I can promise that it’s %100 from the heart. The Mutantville machine is a multi-splendored thing, but it doesn’t accurately reflect 3 different people’s opinions in all cases. How could it? So I’m thankful for this platform to express my personal thoughts on creativity, writing, film making, music or what have you.  So without further ado, here’s what’s transpired since we last chatted, dear mutants.

Work on the Tales from Mutantville DVD has progressed some via sessions on Wed & Thursday evenings. It’s still a hard fight in front of us to get clear of that Fright Night Deadline. Friday evening was consumed by a Blak Saturn UFO sighting at OneMor Bar & Grill in Concord, NC. It was an amazing show and by many accounts our best ever. If you’d like to check out the full details and a video excerpt from the performance you may do so here. I’m really having a great time with this band.

Making Adjustments

After nearly running out of gas, I found my bed around 4:00 am. I was up at 9 to prepare for my day working on Robert W. Filion’s, “Athena.” The shoot started around 3:00 PM. I arrived at the Cemetery in advance of the crew to find that my contact there had completely forgotten to provide the graveside service or even mow the area we’d be using. Too boot the office were closed and the contact did not answer the phone. What are you gonna do?  You roll with plan B, which as an indie film maker you always have in place. I’m proud to say that plan B was executed brilliantly and everything look absolutely stellar. Robert has a great crew on this project.

The production then moved to our second location, a nearby funeral home where yours truly used to live and work as an embalmer. After a little bit of catching up with old friends, I got to dress the scene with tools I haven’t looked at let alone touched in 18 or so years. The goal was to transform an embalming room to more of a morgue facility. It didn’t take a lot and the set looked completely convincing. I got to work with my old buddy Jerry Keys, dressing him as the resident coroner. One of my stories of a not so germ conscious embalmer eating in the embalming room even got incorporated into his character and that was extremely cool. If I hadn’t been on hand that would have never been imagine so it will always be a neat little connection I’ll have with Athena, which I fully expect to be a film like none other.

The shoot ran over considerably. I could point fingers but really, what is the point? At the end of the day the shots that had to be committed to camera were. That’s the way of things in the indies. Even though it was a bit grueling, being there so late, I arrived home in high spirits, once more at 4:00 am.

At 8:00 am I jumped out of bed to shower and prep for another early departure. This time, it was off to Snug Records Studios to work with my friends Eddie & Donnie on getting some guitar lead work tracked for my album. I could go on and on about what a privilege it is to work in such an inspiring facility and with such an amazing guitarist. You’ve heard a little Donnie Christianson if you’ve listened to recent episodes of MVP Mutant Radio. I can’t sing this gentlemen’s praise enough. A great guy! A real asset to MVP on so many shoots, G.H.O.S.T. Indigo Child & Respawner to name a few and just an excellent human being to call my friend. Then there’s how he plays guitar. Donnie is a man small in physical stature but a veritable giant when it comes to talent! I hope someday I can help on some of his many film or music projects because he certainly made a huge impact on my album Sunday.

I was literally looking forward to work Monday morning so I could ease up my laser like focus and get a little rest at work. Monday & Tuesday night work continued on the Tales DVD. And that brings us up to date.

See you next week Mutants!

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