Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Fright Night Falls, Conan Slips and G.H.O.S.T. Rises From The Dead on Fridays With MVP!

Welcome back to Fridays with MVP, oh faithful Mutants.  It’s been another wild and chaotic week on the Mutantville Mothership where we’ve been hard at work on several projects in various stages of productions including Muticia’s Movie Morgue, Indigo Child, Scarecrow At Midnight, Tales From Mutantville, The Metatron Files and G.H.O.S.T. In world horror news, Fright Night (2011) and Conan The Barbarian performed poorly at the box office while Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark is poised to surprise everyone this weekend.

(Discover the meaning of life after the leap!)

We have some cool updates on G.H.O.S.T. but first let’s get a quick station ident out of the way.  It’s the age of social media so you need to be plugged into the various networks around the web.  Check out the ABOUT US panel at the top of the page and click all of the green links to find us on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, and YOUTUBE!


G.H.O.S.T. post-production is plugging along.  Writer/director J.T.McRoberts has been working closely with digital FX artist S. Brent Bowers on creating the needed FX pieces for the film in anticipation of a cast and crew screening this Fall.  In a strange twist of fate someone broke into the opera house that served as the primary location for G.H.O.S.T. Fortunately, the only thing taken was one coat – but unfortunately for MVP that coat was the one and only Johnny Reb coat designed by Luis Machicao that had been housed at the opera house for reshoots.


Longtime MVP faithful will remember that we started production on G.H.O.S.T. in October of 2009 – the same month that Paranormal Activity became THE horror hit of the season crushing the long reigning SAW series at the Halloween box office.  In the two years since, Paranormal Activity has banished the SAW series not only from Halloween weekend – but from the box office completely as the second sequel in the hit series, Paranormal Activity 3, hits theaters this October.  MVP saw the curve in the genre coming and couldn’t be in a better place than working on a supernatural thriller like G.H.O.S.T. that will appeal to fans of the now dominant sub-genre of haunted houses.



The remake of Tom Holland’s 1985 vampire classic Fright Night opened this past weekend to lukewarm results.  Fright Night (2011) came in at a lowly 6th place at the box office with a total $7,714,388 barely beating out the $7,703,466 Final Destination 5 took in for it’s second week.  In attending the screening last week – I couldn’t help but see similarities between the way the remake of Fright Night had been retooled and the number one vampire show on television – True Blood.  I think this lackluster start says more about the public’s feelings towards remakes and sequels than it does about the horror genre in that audiences are not going to pay to see an imitation like Fright Night when they can see the real thing like True Blood on TV for free – well for the price of basic cable and HBO at least.

Normally I would say that this coming weekend in horror would be doomed as well as there is yet another REMAKE hitting theaters across the nation.  This time it’s different though – because Guillermo Del Toro is the producing power behind the Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark remake and so far his track record is spotless featuring films like El Orfanato.  I have high hopes that Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark will be the first horror film this season to spark a decent reaction from audiences.  Whether or not these films perform well doesn’t really matter as there are enough horror films coming out over the next eight weeks to satisfy even the most jaded of horror fans – and that means you fanboy!


In case you missed it – you can still see the trailer for Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark on Trailer Park Tuesday! Check out Guillermo Del Toro’s words of filmmaking wisdom on MVP’s Inspirational Filmmaker Quote of the Week. Our latest video from the Fright Night Film Fest features the entire Q&A session with the Master of Horror himself JOHN CARPENTER! In case you missed it, you can still see it right here.

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