Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

George A. Romero’s Survival of the Dead Opens This Week!

That time is upon us once again, oh true believers. Where it once took decades before the master of modern horror would release another film in his epic zombie series, now over the course of the past five years – George A. Romero has released three new dead films and counting! This weekend, George A. Romero’s latest zombie opus Survival of the Dead opens on VOD, Amazon, X-Box Live and in a limited theatrical run.  The Mutantville Players were fortunate enough to catch an early showing of Survival of the Dead during an advance screening premiere at the historic Carolina Theatre in Durham, NC back on April 2nd, 2010.  MVP was pleasantly surprised by Romero’s latest zombie yarn as it was a light-hearted departure from the nihilistic overtones of the previous entries in the “Dead” series.  Fans expecting another dark and depressing bloodbath will most likely leave the theater disappointed – but fans of enjoyable zombie romps such as Shaun of the Dead, Dead Alive, and Return of the Living Dead should enjoy Romero’s latest zombie pic.

Check out the official trailer on Youtube:

Here’s a nice little sneak peek behind the scenes of the making of George A. Romero’s Survival of the Dead. As an interesting side note – MVP was able to view this early footage way back in February of 2009 when George Romero hosted the American Zombie Film Festival here in North Carolina.

Hop on over to Break.com and listen as the master George A. Romero discusses his ideas for his latest effort Survival of the Dead.  Romero discusses what has been called his neo-western approach taken in his most recent zombie film.


Stop by the Mutantville Players’ Youtube channel to hear our thoughts from the advance screening of George A. Romero’s Survival of the Dead. Streebo and the gang loved the movie and had a lot of fun with it so check out our video review to see our initial reaction to viewing the movie.

And just so you know we’re not alone in enjoying the movie – check out this video review from our buddies over at Gutmunchers.com.  The writer of the fantastic Gutmunchers webcomic – John – shares his thoughts after viewing the early DVD release of George A. Romero’s Survival of the Dead. After you watch John’s review, stop by the Gutmunchers’ webpage and enjoy the hilarity of a world gone mad with zombies in the ongoing Gutmunchers webcomic.


In case you don’t like George A. Romero’s Survival of the Dead, that is fine – we all have different tastes – but if you say some kind of nonsense like Romero needs to stop making zombie films – then you need to stop critiquing movies and in the words of the immortal Captain Rhodes – you should CHOKE ON ‘EM!  CHOKE ON ‘EM!!!  Haters will hate.

Keep on making zombie films, George.  We’ll keep watching!

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