UK filmmaker, Tom Young recently posted an announcement on his blog about the completion of his long Lynchian horror short – Be There In Ten:
It’s been a long time in the making for a short but Be There In Ten is finally done. I’ve cut a second, slightly longer trailer which is below – if you’re interested in getting a copy of the full movie you can contact me by email (details on my biog page); I’ll also post any details of screenings etc. here in the meantime. Depending how things turn out we may eventually post it on the web in any case, so watch this space.
The film is sort of a cross between a relationship drama and a horror, something I’ve tried to capture in the trailer. It clocks in at around 14 minutes and features grainy Super-8 footage shot around Southbank and Hyde Park, several ghosts, some Steadicam shots made on a dark, rainy night in Chiswick, plus a couple of star turns from the two leads, Sarah Winter and James Powell.
The music at the start of the trailer is the actual music used in the credits of the film (a more extended version of which I posted previously).
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