Back in 2007. Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino teamed up to make a two part feature film experience appropriately titled Grindhouse. Each director provided their own feature length film in the grindhouse cinema tradition including bad edits, missing reels, and noticeable film grain. It was a throwback film designed to not only be an enjoyable time at the movies, but to recall a point in history when the rejected films of society were celebrated in dollar theaters in big cities around the country. These films usually consisted of taboo subject matter including large amounts of sex, violence, and drug use and in some cases, all of those. This was a form of entertainment that a large portion of society wanted to see, but Hollywood was just not producing at the time. When Grindhouse came out in 2007, it inadvertently opened the flood gates to a style of filmmaking that would invoke a new renaissance of stylistic qualities.
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