“The story centers on one angry dude, William Shadrach Sharpe, who sold his soul to the devil some 235 years earlier and has been killing for Satan’s minion ever since. Now Shadrach wants his soul back, and he ain’t foolin’ around. He arrives in the lawless town of Celestial to meet his nemesis—but this is no ordinary community. Everything has been nuked, the only thriving business is prostitution and the locals don’t take kindly to strangers—not to mention there are zombies about! What a mess.Sharpe lets us know what we can expect as far as DEVIL’S CROSSING’s ghouls are concerned: “The look of the zombies and the way they move is not your basic type,” he tells Fango, and he clearly knows his undead categories. “In 28 DAYS LATER you have your fast zombies, and the George A. Romero ghouls are fairly slow. These zombies twitch. They are not fast but they are constantly twitching, and that kind of gives you the feeling that at any moment, they could become fast. They have their own shuffle that is unique to DEVIL’S CROSSING. And they are all charcoaled and burnt up from nuclear war.”