Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

The Amazing Spiderman – – Japanese Spiderman that is – swings onto Scary Movie Saturday!

The Amazing Spiderman? How about The Japanese Spiderman?!?

Let’s get one thing straight people – Sam Raimi’s Spiderman starring Tobey Maguire is the finest adaptation of Spiderman to ever grace the silver screen and it will remain that way until the end of time. We can all pretend for a few minutes that we care that Sony rebooted The Amazing Spiderman despite the fact that maestro Raimi and friends delivered one of the highest grossing and most beloved superhero trilogies of all time. Shame on you Sony.

And while Streebo is on his soapbox we may as well get into creator’s rights for a moment because it’s always an important subject to MVP. For example we need to mention the fact that Steve Ditko NEVER gets enough credit from the fans or Stan Lee for his contributions in creating the world of Peter Parker and Spiderman. It was Dikto’s lean figures and creepy locals that first informed the world of Peter Parker and set the ground work for every Spiderman story that followed in it’s wake.

Steve Ditko infamously walked off of his assignment as artist on Spiderman after arguing with Stan Lee about the identity of the Green Goblin. It takes real guts to make a statement when the entire industry is trying to go against you and it shows that Ditko had balls of steel to walk away from his highest profile gig. For your contributions to the superhero world and for giving us one of the most iconic superheroes of all time – MVP salutes you Steve Ditko.

In honor of this weekend’s reboot – we’re going to play an episode of the great Japanese adaptation of Spiderman known as Supaidaman – – aka the Japanese Spiderman! So what are you waiting for? You don’t need to drop fifteen bucks on a big budget soulless reboot of a movie that Sam Raimi already made better – so why not watch the great Japanese Spiderman instead. It’s Scary Movie Saturday on Mutantville.com!

Watch the full episode after the leap!

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