Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Poster Deal

Texas Chainsaw Massacre poster

Texas Chainsaw Massacre poster

This week was sparked by an awesome deal I found on Amazon. They have a 24″x36″ Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Who Will Survive) Movie Poster for less than $4! Go to convention and try to get a big poster for that. Anyway, finding the poster inspired me to put up some facts about the film and a few videos.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (not pronounced mass a crey…that’s country speak) was released in 1974. I would have seen this in the theater but I was only 6 months old and they wouldn’t let me in. Another example of the man trying to oppress me. As most of us know, the film was directed by Tobe Hooper. Tobe also wrote the film with Kim Henkel. The film starred Marilyn Burns, Allen Danziger, Paul A. Partain, William Vail, Edwin Neal, Jim Siedow and Gunnar Hansen. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a teen feel good movie about a group of friends that visit their grandfather’s house and are hunted down by a family of cannibals. Of course the main character that is remembered from the family is Leatherface who wields a chainsaw and wears a mask made of human skin.

Now for some interesting facts and videos!

Ok first fact is that The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is not a true story. It’s based on a cannibal killer named Ed Gein. A few sources stated that Tobe Hooper was tired of the crowds at a hardware store, he looked up and saw a chainsaw and thought, “Now that’s a quick way of getting out of this crowd.” The script was entitled “Leatherface” and then it was switched to “Head Cheese” and then to “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” That makes me happy because Head Cheese sounds like more of a comedy.

How many hitchhikers don’t get picked up because of this scene?

This fun fact reminds me of “El Mariachi” by Robert Rodriguez because Azul was dressed in the clothes he owned instead of opting to buy a shirt for the character. Now that’s low budget! IMDB states that “Due to the low budget, Gunnar Hansen had only one shirt to wear as Leatherface. The shirt had been dyed, so it could not be washed; Hansen had to wear it for four straight weeks of filming in the Texas summer. By the end of the shoot no one wanted to eat lunch with Hansen because his clothing smelled so bad.”

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