Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Ridley Scott with MVP’s Inspirational Filmmaker Quote of the Week.

Ridley Scott with MVP’s Inspirational Filmmaker Quote of the Week.

“You’re either going to believe in the fact that we’re by entirely genetic luck, so from day one where you have atomic storms — inconceivable storms that will go on in this nucleus, in which the dirt bowl will find some reason to start growth on everything — was that created? That may have been accidental, because I think there are many of those out there. But then the idea that, is there a higher force in the universe, comes the question: is it God, or are there superior beings out there? You stand and look at the stars at night in the galaxy out there, it’s entirely ridiculous to believe that we are it. You mean this is it? We’re sitting in this room, I’ve got this fucking cappuccino, and up there there’s no-one else? I don’t think so!”

~~Ridley Scott

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