Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Film & Band Projects on Johnny Brento’s JuJu

Summer Smashes The MMP 2013

Summer Smashes The MMP 2013

Greetings this fine morning, my Mutant followers,

I’m afraid this isn’t going to be the most spectacular JuJu you’ve ever read, but since the site has been lean on updates this week due to various work schedules, ole Johnny B has to send some JuJu love and updates your way.

MVP Players from way back, Steven Tucker and Belton Horton approached me recently about helping them to shoot a slasher short film and I’ve been busying us all with pre-production for that. The intended shoot dates are the 20th & 21st. Any of you players near Albemarle who have an interest in lending a hand, give me a holler at brent@brentbowers.com

After a slight return to Blak Saturn, in order to focus on my own music with Absolute Zero and of course film making & fitness, I’ve decided to resign my position with the band. That’ll happen sooner or later depending on when they can find a replacement. As we have gigs booked, I’m not trying to hang anyone up here. It’s just one of those things where I’ve clearly gotten over extended. It was nice to see back with my ole buddies for one show though and I feel vindicated over all the silly drama with the former guitarist and drummer. It’s nice to put a button in that. It seems like my reasons for leaving were accepted at face value and I think I’m leaving those guys as friends. All is well.Absolute Zero resumed rehearsals last Sunday and I simply cannot overstate how well it went. We’ll be performing at the 2013 Smith Splash Festival in the park on May 4th and then hopefully the fair over in August. It should be a really fun summer for AZ.

Jack Bowers #2, a.k.a "Pookie"

Jack Bowers #2, a.k.a “Pookie”

My work, which is really just a few VFX shots on Mosaic 33 is going a lot slower than I’d like. Let me leave it as this. I’ll get it done before the looming screening but there is a crap ton of masking involved so I might have to go into lock down mode to get it all done. I mean, it has to look right. There’s just no way to rush it.

Brento’s Budget Film Making Podcast approaches the halfway mark. I’ve decided to limit the series to 50 episodes and we’re closing in on #25.

Despite not having a second of time to work on it, I’ve recently had another Hobboy Lobby Shopping spree for Claymation supplies. I guess I still hold the hopes of doing some sort of Claymation project, perhaps a music video.

AZ in REhearsal

AZ in REhearsal

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