Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

Enter the GoPro Hero 3 Black & BBFM Vodcast on Johnny Brento’s JuJu

Hello Mutants,

It’s Wednesday again and you know what that means. You’re darn right! It’s another Johnny Brento’s JuJu. This time I’ve taken the additional effort of setting up a conveniently placed camera to give you a visual as I dish on the latest happenings aboard the mothership for the week of April 22nd.

I understand that some folks have been able to view my first Brento’s Budget Film Making VODcast, but personally, I’ve had trouble playing it back. Also it takes up so much of my Libsyn space this will probably be the rare exception as opposed to a standard format. So, to avoid losing that content on most of you, I’ve posted a Youtube version on the Mutantville Players channel which you can view below.

Lastly, I’ve covered some new media in a quick Vlog for the Mutanville Youtube channel. Be sure to check that out where to hear my thoughts on the new Tom Cruise film, Oblivion, Hemlock Grove and the SciFi channel’s Defiance.

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