Looking at Speculative Fiction from Another Dimension.

2013 Means Another Year Older and Another Year Stronger on Fridays with MVP.

Happy New Year, Mutants! Welcome to our first Fridays with MVP for the calendar year 2013. Unfortunately there’s not much news to report on the MVP horizon. The final pieces of the MVP DVD online launch are moving into place as we speak – so be sure to sign up for the MVP Newsletter here on the blog to receive instant MVP notifications in your inbox. We’re looking ahead to future productions with work on new scripts and we’re anticipating a fun year at the conventions and film festivals – starting very soon with Retrofantasma, Nevermore, and the Mad Monster Party. There’s always something happening on the Mutantville Mothership. We all survived the apocalypse and made it to a new year – now let’s set the universe on fire! Keep checking back for updates as they happen. In the meantime check out a selection of MUTANT TV including recent V-logs from Streebo and Brento and be sure to listen to the epic four hour edition of MVP MUTANT RADIO as Streebo and Todd A. Britt ring in the new year for your edification.

MVP Mutant Radio New Year’s Eve 2013 Show

Streeborama New Year V-log

Brento’s New Year V-log

Chester Grim’s Mausoleum “Civic Duty” featuring DEVIL COMES DOWN

Quentin Tarantino on the three writers that influenced him.

Tarantino on the use of the “N-word” in DJANGO UNCHAINED

Kermode Uncut on Tarantino

Spill.com “reviews” Django Unchained


Funny MMA Memes of 2012

The Dark One Season Two Teaser Trailer

REDD (2013) teaser

RamboRaph goes on a rant about the upcoming EVIL DEAD remake

Part Two

100 episodes of Star Wars Clone Wars

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